Friday, May 30, 2008

Bleach the Movie

I’ve been a fan of Japanese manga (comics) since I was a child. I’ve been watching anime and reading comic books all about these Japanese cartoon creations, wishing that I can also become an anime hero or character. If given the chance, my manga character name would be Ishimaru Taiki. Ishimaru is a Japanese word which means “round stone”, and Taiki, meaning “large radiance”. This was actually based on a site that looks for your Japanese name and I say it sounds very cool.

I’m also getting some updates on today’s popular anime like Naruto and Bleach on the internet and on our local television. Just recently, I’ve found out that there will be an upcoming Bleach the Movie, which will be officially released in selected theaters on June 11th and 12th. So be sure to mark your dates and get an early reservation for tickets as this I’m sure will be the next movie to watch for all the anime fans out there.

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